Tuesday 10 September 2013

Meet My Inspirations

(Top L-R:  Brooke Shaden, Tord Boontje; Bottom L-R: Alice Gao, Chris Ballasiotes)

What kind of designer will I be? I don't know yet, honestly. But here's a good thing, I think I'm on my way there. As I've seen these people's style, I'm on my way to discovering what I'd like things to be. Their works really motivate and challenge me to do better things than I did yesterday. 

Brooke Shaden and Alice Gao on photography, Tord Boontje and Chris Ballasiote on design and illustration. Now let me tell you a bit about their works, you might like them as well.

Brooke Shaden

What's inspiring about Shaden's photos is that it gives you a dreamy feeling and makes you look more into it, deeply. Either you take in what's on the surface or interpret the image with your own feelings, just like a painting. It's mysterious how the models' faces are covered in almost all of her photos which gives a dark sense to it which speaks about another side of my personality.

Alice Gao

I discovered Alice Gao's awesomeness through Instagram (actually she's one of Instagram's biggest stars, no question to it). She takes some of her photos on her iphone and it was indeed unrealistic for me at first seeing her works having this neatness and clarity only a few people can achieve. She takes photos of her breakfast and other items inside her home but still she can pull off a photo that looks like it was taken from a studio, I wonder how she does that..

Tord Boontje

I guess I would call it love at first sight when I saw Tord Boontje's amazing works. His style was exactly what I was looking for among those designers we tackled in class. Being a nature lover, I could see my imagination on his hand-works and I very much admire his patience that's really evident on his designs. Although his works inspire me so much, it makes me crazy how I couldn't find myself finishing works like these. I still need more creativity and mostly, patience.

Chris Ballasiotes

We recently had a logo project in class, went brainstorming and found nothing until then I discovered Chris Ballasiotes' works just a few weeks after I've done the project (should've been sooner -_-). Something about his works makes me stare at it without even intending to read it, the whole thing is an artwork and it's not meant for just reading, I just knew it. I like how it's messy and free but still has its own character, he uses paints and brushes which I'm at my weakest. *sighs*